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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

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About Our Program

exterior front view of the renovated Johnson building

Our Vision

The young men from George Washington Carver STEM Academy will be leaders in the STEM profession and create change in their families, communities, and global society. 

An Exceptional Choice

George Washington Carver STEM Academy equips young scholars with skills and strategies that foster curiosity and opportunity within the STEM career field. Our STEM teacher plans directly with all grade levels to ensure STEM is infused in math, reading, social studies, and science instruction. This helps create a unique STEM environment that engages scholars with hands-on learning opportunities.

We aim to get our scholars outside to experience agricultural studies. We have partnered with community partners Seedleaf, University of Kentucky MANRRS, and Black Soil to provide one of a kind agricultural related experiences for our scholars. Our Seedleaf liaison is housed in our building and provides direct support to our growing school garden. Reintroducing our scholars to the joy of growing their own food and connecting with a major economic industry is paramount to our core beliefs at GWC.

We also recognize the importance of nurturing our families at GWC. We have partnered with The Nest to offer direct family support to our families with a focus to embrace, encourage, and empower without bias. The Nest hosts classes for men and women and provides emergency services when applicable.

George Washington Carver STEM Academy is a STEM school for boys that creates unique results through unique relationships!


Grades K-1: Entrance is determined by a lottery process and space availability.

Grades 2-5: Selection by committee based on criteria (Behavior, Academics, Attendance)

Application Process

Mission & Vision

Our mission at George Washington Carver STEM Academy is to establish a STEM-focused academic environment that cultivates and celebrates the identity, culture, community, creativity, and intellectual genius of boys that are underrepresented in STEM careers.